Amy Pitt

Amy Pitt

Amy Pitt makes work that has people and the environment at its centre. She is fascinated by unearthing, collecting, interpreting and telling the stories of people and places, past, present and future … In those stories that explore how we humans live and interact, how other living things live and interact, and how we understand our landscape and the environment we live in. 

Working as an artist within Wildworks, Punchdrunk, Battersea Arts Centre, Block9 and Shunt, she develops an array of techniques of working within immersive theatre, pushing the boundaries and breaking the rules of how we think theatre should be. It allows the audience a chance to be as much a part of it as the artists making it, enabling the art to be open for people to be a part of it and to be in it.

Amy has been making work that draws from traditional folklore, oral histories and documentary subject matters. Stories, rituals and encounters form a personal archive of narratives, histories, and audio and visual discoveries. Theatre, performance and installations enable the stories and archives to come alive, be heard, and form a sensory cocoon around the audience. 

She creates work to evoke an understanding of our landscapes, people and built environments, their mysteries and enchantment, encouraging audience to listen to others’ stories different from their own.